Well welcome to 2022 with SOBEStore.com. Last year was a tough year for everyone and SOB was no different. Our production slowed from the lack of well, being able to physically shoot. But luckily that eased up some towards the middle of 2021. We still have terabytes of never seen before footage that we just need to chop up and put out.
Last year in 2021 we did drop two videos though.
The first was SOB Behind The Scenes vol#22 Classic Edition.
And the second drop of 2021 was SOB Uncut vol. #10
But the top selling videos of 2021 were all in the Uncut series lineup. They were SOB Uncut #9, SOB Uncut #5 and SOB Uncut #10 All shown below. If you haven’t grabbed one of these videos go ahead and see what the fuss is about.